It is a natural aging process to lose skin’s natural tone, as the skin begins to grow older and lose its natural elasticity. As a result, we get wrinkles, crow’s feet, fine lines and such skin abnormalities or flaws. Those who are over exposed to the sun get such flaws faster than those who protect their skin from the sun. Moreover, those who take well care of their health with exercise and healthy diet lose skin tone slower than those whose lifestyle is erratic or who neglect to take proper care of their health.
Substance abuse, like smoking, also contributes its part to make the skin lose its tone faster. There are many reasons that make the skin develop flaws quicker and taking care of them can help the skin stay healthy longer. In any case, when we start losing the youthfulness of the skin, many people start to worry since it badly affects their appearance. The old and tired look creates embarrassment for people who are conscious of their appearance.
When a relatively deeper and more effective measure is required to correct skin flaws, a TCA peel gives the best solution. TCA peel is found as a strong and effective chemical peel that helps people get rid of many skin flaws and regain, to a satisfactory extent, their lost youthfulness. Unlike a lighter peel that can’t work deeply on the skin, a TCA peel treatment reaches deeper and produces much better results.
TCA peel is considered a relatively deeper and medium strength chemical peel used extensively by plastic surgeons and dermatologists as an in-office treatment to correct many skin flaws that need a medium strength treatment.
In order to get better results from a TCA peel treatment, professionals treat the patient with a light alpha hydroxyl acid, such as malic, lactic acid, glycolic, etc., before applying TCA. Using any light chemical peel loosens up the tough skin, helps dissolve oils, etc. When the skin receives such a pre-treatment, it responds very well to TCA, and the treatment produces much better results.
TCA peel stands for Trichloroacetic acid and it is used in varying strengths or concentration according to the treating case. TCA peel generally cause more discomfort and pain when compared to a light peel. Therefore, it may become necessary to take some medication to prevent the discomfort or pain. You may also need an ointment to apply to the treated area during the recovery time.
TCA peel treatment can last 30 to 60 minutes after an oral sedative and local anesthetic medications are given. Soon after the treatment, the skin becomes very pink for some time. During the first two weeks, healthier skin begins to grow and in about three to four months, the skin returns to its normal color and regains its original texture. At this stage, you can find your skin in good tone and texture while wrinkles, scars, blemishes, etc disappear considerably.
After a TCA treatment, you have to take care of many things. You have to avoid coming into direct sunlight, you don’t have to pick the peeling skin, keep applying the ointment prescribed by the dermatologist, wear a bandage on the treated area for some time, and more such instructions will be given by the doctor. Avoiding sunlight doesn’t mean that you can’t go outdoors, you can, but after wearing sunscreen. Wearing sunscreen should be done even after you heal completely after the treatment.
Certain risks are associated with a TCA treatment. That include some pigmentation changes, infection, and scarring. Most of the side effects or risks can well be controlled if you follow the after-treatment instructions carefully.
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